ITSM trade fair: Service Space on June 18th, 2024, in Vienna

Voit, Stefan | 21.05.2024
OMNINET Newsbeitrag Blogartikel Service Space Wien EN

Please note: This event and all presentations will be in German language.

After a year’s break, this year’s “class reunion of the industry” will once again take place at the Schönbrunn Conference Center in Vienna.

The leading ITSM conference in Austria will once again offer valuable insights into the world of service management. The organizers promise:

5 streams with well over 30 presentations, discussions and/or workshops—3 levels (from beginner to expert)—5 hot topics:

  • The best tips for modeling and designing services
  • In theory and practice: from the service portfolio to service catalog to request catalog
  • AI, automation and monitoring in service management
  • Service management for the agile world
  • NIS2, NISG, DORA and ESG: experience reports and practical tips for meeting the high expectations of legislators

OMNINET is a partner of the event again this year. Meet us and attend our presentation together with our customer on the topic:

“Shaping the future: Austrian Lotteries and OMNINET unite ITSM and compliance in automation”.

Afterwards, the Space Night will again offer the opportunity to exchange ideas and network.

Date: June 18th, 2024

Location: Schönbrunn Conference Center, Vienna

The entrance to Service Space 2024 is on Schönbrunner Schloßstraße

The program and more information can be found on the event page:

To registration

If you have any questions about the event or OMNINET, please contact us at